Contact Info

If you wish to reach out to myself, then you have found the right page. This page will help everyone know how to reach me for any sort of business inquiries that will involved anything with this blog. At the moment I only have one way of contact and that is through email that is provided right below. If need be later on, I will open a PO Box if I feel that is needed.

Need a Physical Address?

Most of the world does digital files now, however, I do know some people like to send physical books or items out. If that is something that you are looking to do with me, send me an email at If I feel like I am interested in that physical item or book, then I will let you know where to send that to. However, at this time there is no PO Box for Drifting Bottled Thoughts.

Response Time

I am always on my phone, so chances are you will be responded back within 1-3 business days. However, if you do not get a response back after the 3rd business day, you can email me again. Just because we all know how that Spam Bot works. If there is some sort of family emergency or something to where I can’t get to you right away, email will be forwarded to my personal email. Also, you can check out my other socials to see what is going on. That will be usually where I tell people if something bad is happening or what not.

Issues or anything else

If there is an issue, or if something serious needs to be discussed. Please use the urgency button on the email when you reach out to me because I always scan for those first in my email box.

Thank you for your interest!