Listed by Genre

Are you ever just in a mood for a specific type of book or genre?

I know that I get that way so much! That is why I thought that this would be an amazing way to index out the books I have reviewed. The genres are probably not going to be what the typical publishing house genres or the genres that the book is listed. My mission for this index is to make is as easy as possible to find a book that has a main theme genre. If I feel that I need to add a side note to the listing, I will put it at the end in parenthesis so you know the mix of that book better.

This index may get reworked through out time. However, I will just add genres to this index as I read the books. Mostly because I get stuck in one genre a lot of the times and then just stay in that genre.

Side Note: If you are wanting to read reviews on the heavier romance type of books or “Spicy” books then please click here to go to this page, Red Room Reviews

Review by Genre Index

listed by the genre that I feel best sum up the book

  • Book Title, by author’s name (has a bit of)